Al Durra Al Taiba Dates

مؤسسة الدرة الطيبة للتمور

About Us

How We Help You ?

As soon as any of our customers contact us, we try our best to respond first. and then, We know the customer’s needs and then we provide them with what they want. As soon as the customer is satisfied with our product, then we proceed their order in the saved way.

Our Team

My team and I try our best to satisfy the customer because our most important priority in selling is” to satisfied our customers “. And by the grace of Allah, we have never hurt our customers .And Allah willing, we will always keep this promise.

Interested? Shop This Dates Collection!

Dates are rich in iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and they are a good source of fibre. They are also rich in calories, making them a great energy source. Sweet in taste, dates are also a good alternative to refined sugars.

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