Al Durra Al Taiba Dates

مؤسسة الدرة الطيبة للتمور


Frequently Asked Questions

Is cash on delivery (COD) available?

Yes, COD is available in Madinah only. Simply pay for your order when it arrives at your doorstep.

Do you have a physical shop?

No, we do not have a physical shop. We own cold storages and farms, and we sell our dates online.

Is shipping free?

Yes, shipping is free in Madinah only. For all other destinations, shipping is calculated at checkout.

Is shipping available worldwide?

Yes, shipping is available worldwide.

How many varieties of dates do you have?

We have 12 to 14 varieties of dates, including Ajwa, Medjool, and Khalas. We also have a variety of date products, such as date syrup, date paste.

Do you export dates?

Yes, we do export dates to over around the world.

Are you based in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, our company is based in Saudi Arabia, Madinah. 

Do you have any farms in Madinah?

Yes, we have our own farms in Madinah. We grow our own dates, and we ensure that they are of the highest quality.

Do you have any special services for pilgrims?

Yes, we do offer special services for pilgrims. We offer a discount on all orders, and we also offer free shipping to all pilgrims.

How long does it take to deliver an order?

For domestic orders, it will take 2 to 4 business days. For international orders, it will take 8 to 13 days, depending on your location.

Can I order online?

Yes, you can order online. Simply visit our website and place your order. We accept all major credit cards.

Do you have any other questions?

Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions. We are always happy to help.

+966 59 002 5013 

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